Unemployment Compensation Law Update: What NJ Employers Need to Know about Reporting Employee Separation Information

Recent amendments to New Jersey’s Unemployment Compensation Law (UCL) took effect on July 31, 2023.  Intended to promote the timely payment of unemployment compensation benefits, the amendments include new employer reporting obligations related to separated employees, revised deadlines for appeals and increased fines for noncompliance.

Specifically, all employers with employees working in New Jersey must now immediately and simultaneously report employee separation information electronically to the New Jersey Department of Labor (NJDOL).  This mean that, in addition to the existing requirement that employers provide benefits instructions (Form BC-10) to separated employees, employers must now also send a copy of that form directly to the NJDOL Division of Unemployment Insurance (the “Division”) and provide any additional information needed to assist the Division in making a benefit determination.   As such, the revised law requires that employers provide an email address for communications to and from the Division.

If an employer provides incomplete information, the Division shall notify the employer within seven (7) days and request additional information.  Failure to comply could result in civil penalties of a minimum of $500 per day.  The amendments also increase the times in which a claimant may appeal an initial benefit determination to 21 days.

In or to comply with the new requirements, New Jersey employers should ensure they have created an account with Employer Access via myNewJersey.  For additional information on the revised New Jersey Unemployment Compensation Law and how it might impact your small business, please contact us.

(This blog, prepared by Campanella Law Office, is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to convey specific legal advice, nor is it intended to create or constitute an attorney-client relationship.)

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