Healthcare Workplace Safety Act: Critical Legislation Increases Protections for Ohio’s Healthcare Workers

Last month, Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 452  (HB 452) into law.  Otherwise known as the “Healthcare Workplace Safety Act,” the new law is a direct response to increased reports of aggression towards health care workers, addressing the need for improved safety measures in healthcare settings.

Effective April 9, 2025, key aspects of the new law include:

  1. A requirement that hospitals establish a security plan for preventing workplace violence and managing aggressive behaviors. The plan should be based on the results of a security risk assessment conducted by the hospital or hospital system. The plan must be developed by a team that includes health care employees who provide direct patient care and at least one current or former patient of the hospital. The plan should specifically include training requirements for security personnel addressing de-escalation techniques and crises intervention, among other important techniques.


  1. A requirement that hospitals establish an incident reporting system which is documented and analyzed so that results can be used to inform future improvements in preventing workplace violence.


  1. A requirement that hospitals post a notice that aggressive behavior toward staff is not tolerated.


  1. A requirement that the Department of Higher Education work with the Ohio Department of Health perform a survey to determine whether colleges and universities who are training future healthcare providers are including components related to workplace violence prevention and managing aggressive behaviors in the curriculum.

HB 452 also grants general civil immunity for certain injuries to anyone who acts in self-defense or defense of another during and act of violence or imminent act of violence.

Workplace violence has become a critical issue among health care workers in Ohio and throughout the United States. According to the World Health Organization, between 8% and 38% of health care workers suffer physical violence at some point in their careers.  Laws like Ohio’s Healthcare Worker Safety Act are a major step toward ensuring health care provider safety and the ability to provide quality care and achieve positive health outcomes for the state’s patient population.

(This blog, prepared by Campanella Law Office, is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to convey specific legal advice, nor is it intended to create or constitute an attorney-client relationship.)

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