Check Us Out: Campanella Law Office is on YouTube

By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD

Did you know that Campanella Law Office LLC has its own YouTube channel?  Containing a carefully curated playlist of webinars hosted by special guests and strategic partners, our channel recognizes that our clients appreciate the ability to stay informed through a variety of online platforms.

Specifically selected by our principal attorney, each topic and guest speaker is chosen because the presentation either answers common questions posed by clients or starts important conversations on topics directly related to or adjacent to our practice.  As such, our channel is a valuable resource for those looking to broaden business perspectives.

Among the recent webinars currently available are:

Slay the Student Loan Dragon: Understanding the Newest Strategies to Eliminate Student Debt:  Hosted by special guest, Justin W. Rice CFP®, CSLP® with Personal Wealth Strategies, this webinar contains valuable insights regarding different types of student loans and why they are not like every other debt.  In addition, Mr. Rice explains income driven repayment plans and discusses the truth about public service loan forgiveness.

Haunted by HIPAA? Exorcise the HIPAA Ghost! Hosted by our Strategic Partner and special guest, Andrew Garlick of The Garlick Group for this informative webinar that focuses on the IT side of HIPAA compliance!

Other topics covered include the benefits of dealing with a versatile attorney, small business retirement options, cybersecurity in the healthcare industry, real estate, and the creation of effective mission statements for businesses.

Check out our channel here, and please do not forget to subscribe so that you will be notified when new presentations are available.  Also, if you would like to receive emails from Campanella Law Office to receive blog updates and be notified of future webinars, you can subscribe to our newsletter at any time by providing your email address at the bottom of our homepage, here, at any time.

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