A well-planned estate: Gift your family ‘security’ for the holidays

By: Cristina N. Hyde, J.D.

With the arrival of the holidays, it is natural for us to turn our thoughts to family, but many of us struggle to find our loved ones the perfect gift. Might we suggest the gift of a well-planned estate? Especially if you are a small-business owner, a well-thought out estate and asset protection plan can prevent a lot of domestic and financial strife.  Estate planning is not always necessarily about what happens when we pass away, but can also very much involve disability, unexpected tragedy, or a claim against you or your business for liability.

With this in mind, Campanella Law Office suggests the following two steps towards gifting your family “security” this holiday season:

  1.  Create or update your estate documents. Relevant to small-business owners and individuals alike “estate documents” include your will, trust documents, life insurance policies, disability insurance policies, or healthcare and financial powers of attorney.
  2. Consider an asset protection plan. Particularly important for small-business professionals, an asset protection plan secures your business against future hard times, should they arrive.

Our firm’s Safeguard package is an important first step toward protecting you, your family and your small business or medical practice.  If you are interested in learning more about Safeguard and about how estate planning and asset protection plans can benefit you, your business and your loved ones, do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our estate planning and asset protection attorneys.

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