Introducing Our YouTube Channel

By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD

Did you know that Campanella Law Office LLC has its own YouTube channel?  Launched earlier this year, we have already curated an informative and relevant playlist consisting of webinars hosted by special guests and strategic partners on topics relevant to our business, healthcare and real estate practice.

Specifically sought and selected by our principal attorney, each topic and guest speaker is chosen because the presentation either answers common questions posed by clients or starts important conversations on topics directly related to or adjacent to our practice.  Overall, our YouTube channel is another way we are hoping to help improve practices and broaden business perspectives, including our own.

Among the webinars currently available are:

Reopening & Reimagining Your Business in a Post-COVID Era:  This webinar contains valuable insights regarding restrictions and provisions non-essential businesses should be aware of as they begin to reopen during the pandemic.  The webinar offers guidance for re-imagining one’s brick-and-mortar business to be successful in the post-coronavirus era.

Making a House Your Home: During this presentation, financing, legal and title specialists discuss what buyers can expect when purchasing a new home.

Other topics recently covered include cybersecurity in the healthcare industry, HIPAA, the creation of effective mission statements for businesses, and the re-examination of accounts receivable in the wake of COVID-19 shutdowns.

Check out our channel here, and please do not forget to subscribe so that you will be notified when new presentations are available.

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