P.L. 2017, Chapter 283 revisited: New Jersey Assembly proposes extension to deadline for surgical practices to meet licensure requirements.

By: Cristina N. Hyde, J.D.

The New Jersey Assembly has introduced legislation that would extend the deadline by which one-room surgical practices must be licensed.  If approved, A1989, will toll the effective date of the original One-Room Bill, to July 1, 2020.

Approved in 2018, the original bill was meant to take effect the following year, however, administrative issues seem to have prompted the proposed extension.  Nevertheless,  the remainder of the One-Room Bill remains unchanged.  Therefore, registered surgical practices that have not already done so must apply for licensure as ambulatory care facilities.

Licensure adds significant value to a registered surgical practice.  Licensed practices may allow non-owner physicians to use the facility and licensure provides the ability to expand through mergers or sales to non-physician owners.  Additionally, the One-Room Bill includes a number of provisions to ease the burden of transition such as exemption from initial and renewal licensure fees as well as the exemption from the annual ambulatory care assessment under certain circumstances.

Campanella Law Office will continue to monitor A1989 and provide updates as necessary.  Meanwhile, if you have any questions about license requirements for your surgical practice and facility or would like any assistance with the conversion process, we are ready to help.

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