Tag Archives: InvestmentProperty

  1. Bought a New Home? Don’t Forget to Update Your Estate Plan.

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD As a rule, all adults should have a written plan in place that clearly defines their wishes regarding the distribution of their property.  This plan, known as an estate plan, is meant to provide clear instructions regarding the distribution of wealth in the event an individual is involved in a…

  2. The §1031 Exchange: Why and how to navigate this real estate sale transaction.

    By: Erika Baldino, VP of Business Development, Kensington Vanguard Sometimes, investors find themselves in situations where they are in possession of real property that they would like to sell.  Unfortunately, such a sale will result in a large capital gains responsibility.  Therefore, those investors might consider entering into a §1031 tax deferred exchange (§1031 Exchange)…