Tag Archives: NJCottageLaw

  1. Good News for New Jersey Home Bakers: Cottage food operator regulations take effect just in time for the holiday season

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD Two weeks ago, on October 4, 2021, New Jersey home bakers celebrated as the new rules creating a cottage food operator permit went into effect.  An attempt to reconcile the right to run a business out of one’s home with important food and safety precautions, the rules establish a regulatory…

  2. Home-based bakers rise to the challenge: New Jersey prohibition on selling homemade food will end soon

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD In a long overdue step to align New Jersey with the rest of the nation, the Department of Health (DOH) recently adopted new rules allowing the sale of certain homemade foods for profit.  Expected to take effect this fall, the new rules will create a cottage law establishing a regulatory scheme…