Tag Archives: PC

  1. Senate Bill No. 142: What You Need to Know About Corporate Conversion And New Jersey Business Entities

    On May 8, 2023, Senate Bill No. 142 became law.  The new law (P.L.2023, c.38) amends the “New Jersey Business Corporation Act” (N.J.S.14A:15-2) to allow for entity conversion and domestication.  This amendment brings New Jersey in line with many other states that already allow for domestication and conversion.  The goal of the new law is…

  2. Consistency is Key: How LLC Operating Agreement Language Can Unintentionally Thwart Estate Planning Intentions

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD When drafting incorporating documents, small businesses are commonly encouraged to consider business succession issues upon the death of one of its members.  However, many often do not realize that consistency between an operating agreement and an estate plan is extremely important. In many cases, if a conflict arises between an…