COVID-19 Updates:  Online resources and Information 

By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD

As the world adjusts to social distancing and orders to shelter-in-place, we want you to know that Campanella Law Office remains 100% open on a virtual basis.  We understand that the avalanche of CDC, state and federal guidance is overwhelming and, while our first responders do their part to slow the momentum of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are working tirelessly to answer any questions you may have regarding the impact of recent events on your business, employees or employment.  It is our hope that, by doing so, we can provide support to our clients that will allow them focus on their own health and the safety of their loved ones.

While our Cornerstone Clients  have been receiving frequent email alerts related to government orders and laws passed that affect businesses, employers and employees, we feel it is important to let all of our clients know that New Jersey has set up a dedicated site providing  information for small businesses and employers regarding the recent COVID-19 restrictions.  You can access that information here (COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Information for New Jersey Businesses).    The site includes links to important information such as the recent updates on telehealth and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act Bill, which becomes binding on April 2, 2020, and expires December 31, 2020.

If you would like assistance with understanding or interpreting any of the recent orders or guidance related to your employment or business, or you feel you would benefit from becoming a Cornerstone member at this time, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (201) 891-3726, (732) 314-7405 or (646) 759-2962.

Above all, stay healthy and safe!

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