Suicide Prevention Month 2020: Raising our voice in continued support of our health care providers

By: Cristina N. Hyde, J.D.

On this day, the last day of Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, Campanella Law Office would like to take a moment to once again add its voice to those in our professional community who are calling for increased awareness around the issues of professional burnout and suicide.

The past month included several important dates as part of a national campaign to educate the public on recognizing the warning signs and risk factors which often lead to suicide, and provide resources to those looking for help.  Those dates include World Suicide Prevention day on September 10, Suicide Prevention Week from September 10-16, and National Physician Suicide Awareness Day on September 17.

Burnout and suicide among physicians and health care providers is consistently high.  With the added pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic, our heroes need to know that help is available and that they can seek support and treatment without fear of professional reprisal.  If there was ever a time for the professional community to unite in an effort to eradicate the stigma and feeling of shame that often discourages a necessary plea for help, it is now.  It is this month and every month.

Here are some helpful resources for those looking for additional information on risk factors, warning signs and how to help:

If you are in crisis, Campanella Law Office begs you not to struggle alone.  Reach out for help and call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 or contact the Crises Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.

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