Tag Archives: DrLornaBreenHeroesFoundation

  1. Suicide Prevention Month 2020: Raising our voice in continued support of our health care providers

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, J.D. On this day, the last day of Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, Campanella Law Office would like to take a moment to once again add its voice to those in our professional community who are calling for increased awareness around the issues of professional burnout and suicide. The past month…

  2. #STOPTHESTIGMA: United States Senators Introduce the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (S. 4349)

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD Campanella Law Office applauds and emphatically supports the introduction of S. 4349, the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (the “Act”).  Named to honor the emergency physician who took her own life in April 2020 after working on the frontlines of the pandemic and surviving COVID-19 herself, the…