Tag Archives: workers’compensation

  1. Job Stress and Workers’ Compensation: What makes a claim?

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD As workers begin to emerge from their homes and return to their offices, it is important to recognize that a certain level of additional stress is inevitable thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic and the way it has changed the work environment and personal interactions.  Even prior to the pandemic, recent…

  2. Senate Bill No. 2380: New workers’ compensation reform creates rebuttable presumption that COVID-19 infections were contracted on-the-job

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD Last week, Governor Murphy signed legislation which created a rebuttable presumption that coronavirus disease infections contracted by essential employees are work-related for the purpose of workers’ compensation benefits.  P.L. 2020, c.84.   As a result, essential employees are now entitled to full compensation unless their employer or insurance company can prove…