Category Archives: At a Glance

  1. Premises Liability and COVID-19: Simple steps to prevent a real scare this Halloween

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD Halloween is fast approaching and around our office, we are of the opinion that the best holidays begin with the best preparations.  With that said, anyone who intends to invite trick-or-treaters onto their property, needs to understand that they have a duty to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe…

  2. Introducing Our YouTube Channel

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD Did you know that Campanella Law Office LLC has its own YouTube channel?  Launched earlier this year, we have already curated an informative and relevant playlist consisting of webinars hosted by special guests and strategic partners on topics relevant to our business, healthcare and real estate practice. Specifically sought and…

  3. What we’re reading: 6 titles to inspire you and your business

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD This summer, unlike most others, the majority of us have passed our time indoors adapting to a socially distant lifestyle.  Because we’ve had more time on our hands, many of us have also been catching up on our reading.  With this in mind, Campanella Law Office would like to share…

  4. At A Glance: What is a complimentary consultation?

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, J.D. Campanella Law Office is excited to introduce a new blog series called “At A Glance.”  The series will address commonly asked questions that arise within the fields of business law, health care law and real estate law.  With this series, we hope to address frequent general inquiries as they arise,…