Category Archives: NonCompetiton

  1. Severance Agreements: Restrictions on Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement Clauses that Employers Need to Know

    Last February, the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) issued a decision that made a very clear statement regarding the need for carefully worded severance agreements.  In the McLaren Macomb decision, the NLRB held that employers may not extend severance agreements to employees that include a broad waiver of any rights contained in the National Labor…

  2. New York Senate Bill S3100A: Controversial Non-Compete Ban Awaits Governor Hochul’s Signature

    Earlier this summer, the New York General Assembly and Senate passed Senate Bill S3100A that, if signed into law, would amend the current New York labor law to ban the use of noncompete agreements and certain restrictive covenants.  It would also permit covered individuals to bring civil actions against those alleged to have violated the…

  3. Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Clauses: Why Restrictive Covenants are Uniquely Prohibited from Inclusion in Psychologist Employment Agreements

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD Entering an employment contract can be stressful; especially for health care professionals where restrictive covenants are involved. Generally, such restrictions in employment contracts are permissible.  However, in New Jersey, psychologists are a unique subset of health care providers who are prohibited from having non-compete or non-solicitation clauses in their employment…