Tag Archives: Employment

  1. Senate Bill No. 2380: New workers’ compensation reform creates rebuttable presumption that COVID-19 infections were contracted on-the-job

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, JD Last week, Governor Murphy signed legislation which created a rebuttable presumption that coronavirus disease infections contracted by essential employees are work-related for the purpose of workers’ compensation benefits.  P.L. 2020, c.84.   As a result, essential employees are now entitled to full compensation unless their employer or insurance company can prove…

  2. Senate Bill No. 718:  New Jersey Legislators Hope to Bolster Teen Employment with Tax Credits

    By: Cristina N. Hyde, J.D. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the youth labor force “grows sharply between April and July each year.”  Although summer may look a little different this year as small businesses struggle to implement new operating procedures amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it is likely that New Jersey’s youth…

  3. Facilities Liable for Uninsured Physicians Under NJ Supreme Court Ruling

    By: Gina L. Campanella, Esq., FACHE On September 29, 2015, the New Jersey Supreme Court released its decision in the matter of Jarrell v. Kaul, No. A-42-13 (072363). The Supreme Court was tasked with deciding three main issues on this appeal. Refusing to expand the scope of liability for the individual physician, the Court held…

  4. Breaking Down a Physician Employment Agreement

    By:  Gina L. Campanella, Esq., FACHE Physician employment agreements can be complicated and intimidating.  Often times, potential physician employees are under the impression that most of the text is “ordinary” and “non-negotiable”.  The more dangerous assumption is that problematic sections are unenforceable.  Even if a court may ultimately determine that a contract term is not…